发布时间:2016-04-20   访问次数:38661   作者:

姓名 (Name) : 周兴贵 (Xinggui Zhou)

职称 (Title) : 教授 (Professor)

职务 (Position) 

■   十大赌博老品牌网站副经理 (Vice dean, School of Chemical Engineering)

■   化学工程联合国家重点实验室菠菜担保网分室主任

(Director, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering at ECUST)

电话 (Tel) : 021-64253509

传真 (Fax) : 021-64253528

电子邮件 (Email) : xgzhou@ecust.edu.cn; xinggui.zhou@foxmail.com


教育背景 (Education) 

■   1995/09-1996/01,美国弗吉尼亚大学,博士联合培养 (University of Virginia, Visiting student) 

■   1993/01-1996/06,菠菜担保网,化学工程系,博士生 (PhD student, Dept. Chem. Eng., ECUST

■   1990/09-1992/12,菠菜担保网,化学工程系,硕士生 (Master student, Dept. Chem. Eng., ECUST

■   1983/09-1987/07,菠菜担保网,化学工程系,本科生 (Undergraduate student, Dept. Chem. Eng., ECUST


工作经历 (Work experience) 

■   1996/06~,化学工程联合国家重点实验室,菠菜担保网 (State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, ECUST)

■   2002/05-2002/08,法国里昂 CPE,访问学者 (CEP Lyon, Visiting researcher)


学术任职 (Academic service

《Chemical Engineering Journal》《化学反应工程与工艺》副主编;《Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering》《Chin. J Chem. Eng.》《高校化学工程学报》编委。亚太化学反应工程委员会理事,亚太结晶技术常务委员。

Associate editor of Chemical Engineering Journal and Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology. Member of the editor board of Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering and Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities. Member of the working party of Asian Pacific of Chemical Reaction Engineering (APCRE). Member of the steering committee of Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium (ACTS).


研究方向 (Research interests


Catalyst synthesis and structure-performance relationship; Kinetics of heterogeneous catalysis; Modeling of multiphase reactors; Coupled mass transfer and reaction in porous catalyst; Microreactor technology; Design of solid catalysts and catalytic reactors; Chemical process intensification and optimization.

发表论文 (Publications) 


Biography :

Prof. Xing-Gui Zhou received his bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering in 1987 and PhD degree in 1996 from East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST). He stayed in University of Virginia as visiting student in 1995, and CPE Lyon in 2002 as visiting researcher. He joined the faculty of Chemical Engineering of ECUST in 1996 and since then he has been working in the State-Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering (SKLoChE) at ECUST as a researcher. He became a full professor in 2002 and is currently the director of SKLoChE at ECUST.

He is leading the catalysis and reaction engineering group in SKLoChE. His research interests include controlled synthesis of solid catalysts, kinetics and mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis, transport in porous catalysts and fixed bed reactors, and process intensification with microfluids. His research has been supported by the National Basic Research Program, the National High Technology Research and Development Program, and the Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation. He has coauthored over 320 papers in peer reviewed international journals, and over 150 papers in peer reviewed Chinese Journals. His research has been applied for the design of large scale fixed-bed reactors for commercial production of vinyl acetate and ethylene oxide.

His doctoral dissertation was rated as National Excellent Doctoral Thesis. He won prizes from the Ministry of Education and SINOPEC for achievements in basic and applied research, and won several research projects for talents, including the Aurora Program of Shanghai, the New Century Program of Ministry of Education of China, and the Leadership Program of Shanghai.

He is member of the editorial board of Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering and Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities, and associate editor of Chemical Engineering Journal and Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology. He is also member of the working party of Asian Pacific of Chemical Reaction Engineering (APCRE) and steering committee of Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium (ACTS). He has severed as chair of the 8th Asian Pacific Forum of Chemical Engineering (APCRE 2017) and chair of the 2021 International Conference on Mathematics in (bio)Chemical Kinetics and Engineering (MaCKiE 2021).