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19857月毕业于华东十大赌博老品牌网站能源化工系煤化工专业, 获工学学士学位,19858月参加工作,在江西省煤炭工业科学研究所、江西省煤炭工业厅加工利用处、沈阳航空工业学院安全工程系等单位工作。1998年毕业于北京化工大学化学工程学院化学工程专业获工学硕士学位,20023月毕业于菠菜担保网化学工程学院化学工程专业获工学博士学位,随后留菠菜担保网化学工程联合国家重点实验室工作,2003年评为副教授,2004年聘为硕士生导师,2008年评为教授,2009年聘为博士生导师。




近年来主持过国家自然科学基金面上项目(20873999)和国家科技部863 项目(2006AA05Z307)。


1*Long, Xiang-Li; Yang, Lin; Chou, Xue-wei; Li, Cong; Yuan, Wei-kang. Reduction of [Fe( III) EDTA]- Catalyzed by Activated Carbon Modified With Ammonia Solution. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,33(1), pp 99-106, 2014/4.

2 *Long, Xiang-li; Wang, Zhi-hao; Wu, San-qiang; Wu, Shi-ming; Lv, Hai-feng; Yuan, Wei-kang. Production of isophthalic acid from m-xylene oxidation under the catalysis of the H3PW12O40/carbon and cobalt catalytic system. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(1), pp 100-107, 2014/1/25 SCI ,已标注 期刊论文

3 Yang, Xiao-Juan; *Long, Xiang-Li; Yuan, Wei-Kang. Adsorption characteristics of [Fe(III)-EDTA]- on granular activated carbon from aqueous solutions. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 32(3), pp470-479, 2013/10.

4 Zhu, Hai-Song; Mao, Yan-Peng; Chen, Yu; *Long, Xiang-Li; Yuan, Wei-Kang. Removal of nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide from flue gases using a FeII-ethylenediamineteraacetate solution. Korean Journal of Chemical  Engineering, 30(6), pp 1241-1247, 2013/6.

5 Yang, Lin; Chou, Xue-wei; Li, Cong; *Long, Xiang-li; Yuan, Wei-kang. Reduction of [Fe(III)EDTA]- catalyzed by activated carbon modified with KOH solution Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,19(3), pp 784-790, 2013/5/25.

6 Yang, Xiao-Juan; Zhu, Hai-Song; Yang, Lin; *Long, Xiang-Li; Yuan, Wei-Kang. A study on the reduction of [Fe(III)-EDTA]- catalyzed with activated carbon in a fixed-bed, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 32(2), pp 206-212, 2013/7.

7 Cheng,Jing-yi; Yang, Lin; Dong, Li; *Long Xiang-li; Yuan,Wei-kang. Regeneration of hexamminecobalt(II) under the catalysis of activated carbon modified with ZnCl2solution Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(5), pp 1628-1634, 2012/9/25.

8 Wang, Zhi-Hao; Yang, Zhi-Lin; Wu, Shi-Ming; *Long, Xiang-Li. A Study on the Production of Isophthalic Acid from M-xylene under the Catalysis of Cobalt and H3PW12O40/Carbon Modified by HNO3 Solution  , International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 13(3), pp 413-425, 2015/9/1.

9 *Long, Xiang-Li; Zhang, Ruo-Chuan; Chou, Xue-Wei; Li, Bei-Bei; Yuan, Wei-Kang. Regeneration of hexamminecobalt(II) under the catalysis of activated carbon treated with K2S2O8 solutionEnvironmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 34(1), pp 65-73, 2015/1/1.

10*Long, Xiang-li; Zhang, Chao; Zhu, Yong; Yang, Zhi-lin. Production of NMSBA from the oxidation of NMST with oxygen catalyzed by H3PW12O40/Co/Mn/Br homogeneous catalytic system,Chemical Engineering Journal, 286, pp361-368,20162.2/15.

11 *Long, Xiang-li; Cao, Hai-xia; Duan, Bei-bei; Jia, Ming-lei. Removal of NO with the hexamminecobalt solution catalyzed by the carbon treated with oxalic acid.Environmental  Science and pollution Research, 24 (36), pp27788-27798, 2017/12/1.

12 Fang, Zhou-wen;Wen, Di; Wang, Zhi-hao ; Long, Xiang-li. Effect of H2O2 modification of H3PW12O40@carbon for m-xylene oxidation to isophthalic acid,Korean Journal of chemical Engineering, 35(11), pp2172-2184,2018/11/1.

13 Zhou, Xin-zhi; Wang, Zhi-hao; Fang, Zhou-wen; Liu, Hua-jie; *Long, Xiang-li. Production of Isophthalic Acid from m-Xylene Catalyzed by Co(II) and HPW@C Modified with Acetic Acid, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, ,57(35): 11893-11902,2018/9/5,

14 Wen, Di ; Fang, Zhou-wen ; He, Heng; Zhang, Chao; *Long, Xiang-li. Production of NMSBA from NMST Catalyzed by Co/Mn/Br and HPW@C Modified with ZnCl2 Solution,International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 16(8),pp 201702562018/8/1,

15*Long, Xiang-li; Duan, Bei-bei; Cao, Hai-xia; Jia, Ming-lei; Wu, Long-an.Removal of NO with the hexamminecobalt(II) solution catalyzed by the activated carbon treated with acetic acid, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, ,62, pp217-2242018/6/25,

16 He, Heng; Fang, Zhou-Wen; Zhang, Chao; *Long, Xiang-Li. NMSBA Produced from NMST under the Catalysis of Supported H3PW12O40 and Co/Mn/Br Catalytic System, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,96(6), pp1264-1272.2018/6/1.

17 *Long, Xiang-l; Li, Fang; Jia, Ming-lei; Huang, Jin-feng. Effect of Treatment with Tartaric Acid on Carbon as a Catalyst in the Absorption of NO into the Hexamminecobalt(II) Solution,Environmental Progress & sustainable energy,37(1), pp333-3412018/1/1,

18 Fang, Zhou-wen; Liu, Hua-jie; Wang, Zhi-hao; Wen, Di; Long, Xiang-li. Effect of activated carbon modified with oxalic acid on the production of IPA from MX catalyzed by H3PW12O40@carbon and cobalt, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 68, pp87-98,2018/12/25.


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