发布时间:2016-05-17   访问次数:11738   作者:














2013.4~2014.7  新疆师范大学(挂职)  化学十大赌博老品牌网站  副经理


(1) 煤、生物质等热化学转化;

(2) 气液固多相分离


(1)Handing Chen, Xueli Chen*, Zhi Qiao, Haifeng Liu*. Release and transformation behavior of Cl during pyrolysis of torrefied rice straw. Fuel, 2016,183:145-154

(2) Handing Chen, Xueli Chen*, Zhi Qiao, Haifeng Liu*. Release and transformation characteristics of K and Cl during straw torrefaction and mild pyrolysis. Fuel, 2016, 167: 31-39

(3) Xueli Chen, Jianye Tang, Xiaojun Tian, Li Wang. Influence of biomass addition on Jincheng coal ash fusion  temperatures. Fuel, 2015, 160: 614-620

(4) Qingli Wang, Xueli Chen*, Zhiguo Guo, Xin Gong. An experiment investigation of particle collection efficiency in a fixed valve tray washing column. Powder Technology, 2014, 256: 52-60

(5) Qingli Wang, Xueli Chen*, Xin Gong. Theoretical and experimental investigation on the characteristics of fly-ash scrubbing in a fixed valve tray column. AIChE Journal, 2013, 59(6): 2168-2178

(6) Qingli Wang, Xueli Chen*, Xin Gong. The particle removing characteristics in a fixed valve tray column. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(9): 3441-3452

(7) Shuai Yuan, Zheng-hua Dai, Zhi-jie Zhou, Xue-li Chen*, Guang-suo Yu, Fu-chen Wang

Rapid co-pyrolysis of rice straw and a bituminous coal in a high-frequency furnace and gasification of the residual char. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 109: 188-197

(8) Shou-yan Shao, Xue-li Chen*, Hai-feng Liu, Fu-chen Wang. Preparation of coal slurry with alcohol fermentation wastewater. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2012, 34(10): 919-928

(9) Shuai Yuan, Xue-li Chen*, Jun Li, Fu-chen Wang. CO2 gasification kinetics of biomass char derived from high temperature rapid pyrolysis. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(5): 2314-2321

(10) Shuai Yuan, Zhi-jie Zhou, Jun Li, Xue-li Chen*, Fu-chen Wang. HCN and NH3 (NOx Precursors) Released under rapid pyrolysis of biomass-coal blends. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2011, 92: 463-469

(11) Jie Cui, Xueli Chen*, Xin Gong, Guangsuo Yu. Numerical study of gas-solid flow in a radial-inlet structure cyclone separator. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research2010, 49: 5450-5460

(12) Shuai Yuan, Zhi-jie Zhou, Jun Li, Xue-li Chen*, Fu-chen Wang. HCN and NH3 released from biomass and soybean cake under rapid pyrolysis. Energy & Fuels2010, 24(11): 6166-6171


(1) 分级供氧气化过程流动、传热、反应耦合研究,国家重点研发计划子课题

(2) 生物质与煤混燃发电技术与示范(),科技支撑计划子课题

(3) 秸秆类生物质基添加剂在粉煤气流床气化中的作用机制,国家自然科学基金

(4) 生物质与煤共气化关键技术研究,教育部 新世纪优秀人才支持计划

(5) 藻渣与煤制备藻渣煤浆共气化应用基础研究,973计划子课题

(6) 多喷嘴对置式水煤浆或煤粉气化炉及其应用专利实施许可,企业委托项目

(7) SE粉煤气化水循环系统节能技术开发及应用,中国石油化工股份有限公司

(8) /石油焦制备合成气关键技术研究,中国石油化工股份有限公司