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    1998.3 - 2001.1 德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学高分子研究所,博士;
    1989.9 - 1992.7 四川大学高分子材料系,硕士;
    1984.9 - 1989.7 清华大学化工系,本科。
    2006.8 - 至今十大赌博老品牌网站教授;
    2014.1 - 至今兼任石河子大学化学与十大赌博老品牌网站教授,新疆维吾尔自治区材料化工重点实验室主任,新疆生产建设兵团材料化工工程中心主任;
    2005.12 - 2006.8 美国普林斯顿大学化工系,专职研究人员(Research Staff Member);
    2002.12 - 2005.11 美国普林斯顿大学化工系,博士后;
    2001.8 - 2002.11 美国普度大学印第安纳波立斯校园化学系,博士后;
    2001.2-  2002.7 德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学化学系,博士后;
    1994.12 - 1998.3 四川大学高分子材料系,讲师;
    1992.7 - 1994.11 四川大学高分子材料系,助教。
    2006 上海市曙光学者;
    2009 - 至今《菠菜担保网学报(自然科学版)》副主编;
    2010.11 – 至今国际聚电解质协会理事会理事;
    2015.3 研究方向:(最多3个)
     1.   Weina Wang, Yisheng Xu, Sebastian Backes, Ang Li, Samantha Micciulla, A. Basak Kayitmazer, Li Li, Xuhong Guo and Regine von Klitzing. Construction of compact polyelectrolyte multilayers inspired by marin mussel: Effects of salt concentration and pH as observed by QCM-D and AFM. Langmuir 2016, 32(14), 3365-3374.
     2.   Jun Xu, Hejian Jiang, Tao Li, Xiaoming Wei, Tongshuai Wang, Jing Huang, Wein Wang, Anthony L. Smith, Jie Wang, Rui Zhang, Yisheng Xu, Li Li, Robert K. Prud’homme, Xuhong Guo,Effect of Comb-type Copolymers with Various Pendants on Flow Ability of Heavy Crude Oil, Ind Eng Chem Res 2015, 54(19), 5204-5212.
     3.   Yu Cang, Rui Zhang, Guixin Shi, Jianchao Zhang, Lixiao Liu, Xiaoyan Hou, Zhenchuan Yu, Dingye Fang, Xuhong Guo, Immobilized CdS quantum dots in spherical polyelectrolyte brushes: fabrication, characterization and optical properties, J Mater Chem C 2015, 3(15), 3745-3751.
     4.   Mi Wang, Yanfeng Gao, Chuanxiang Cao, Kaimin Chen, Yicun Wen, Dingye Fang, Li Li, Xuhong Guo, Binary solvent colloids of thermosensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgel for smart window, Ind Eng Chem Res 2014, 53(48), 18462-18472.
     5.   Jianjia Liu, Jie Wang, Zhongming Zhu, Li Li, Xuhong Guo, Stephen F. Lincoln, Robert K. Prud’homme, Cooperative catalystic activity of alpha-cyclodextrin and Ag nanoparticles immobilized on spherical polyelectrolyte brushes, AIChE J 2014, 60(6), 1977-1982.
      6.   Siyi Wang, Kaimin Chen, Yisheng Xu, Xuanjie Yu, Weihua Wang, Li Li, and Xuhong Guo, Protein immobilization and separation by anionic/cationic spherical polyelectrolyte brushes based on charge anisotropy.Soft Matter 2013, 9(47), 11276-11287.
      7.   Shuang Wu, Joachim Dzubiella, Julian Kaiser, Markus Drechsler, Xuhong Guo, Matthias Ballauff, Yan Lu, Thermosensitive Au-PNIPA yolk-shell nanoparticles with tunable selectivity for catalysis. Angew Chem Int Edit 2012, 51(9), 2229-2233.
      8.   Li Li, Jun Xu, Jack Tinsley, Douglas H. Adamson, Brian A. Pethica, John S. Huang, Robert K. Prud’homme and Xuhong Guo, Improvement of oil flowability by assembly of comb-type copolymers with paraffin and asphaltene. AIChE J 2012 58(7), 2254-2261.
      9.    Kaimin Chen, Yan Zhu, Yifei Zhang, Li Li, Yan Lu, and Xuhong Guo, Synthesis of Magnetic Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes. Macromolecules 2011, 44(3), 632-639.
      10.  Xuhong Guo, Jie Wang, Li Li, Duc-Truc Pham, Stephen F. Lincoln*, Bruce L. May, Qingchuan Chen, Li Zheng, Robert K. Prud’homme and Christopher J. Easton, Tunable polymeric hydrogels assembled by competitve complexation between cyclodextrin dimers and adamantyl substituted poly(acrylic acid). AIChE J 2010, 56(11), 3021-3024.