发布时间:2016-04-19   访问次数:40889   作者:

姓名: 赵玲

职称: 教授
电话:021- 64253175

电子邮件: zhaoling@ecust.edu.cn


      1993/07 - 1995/09,菠菜担保网,十大赌博老品牌网站,助教, 
      1995/10 - 1999/09,菠菜担保网,十大赌博老品牌网站,讲师; 
      1999/10 - 2001/11,菠菜担保网,十大赌博老品牌网站,副研究员; 
      2001/11 - 2003/02,英国University of Birmingham,化工系,博士后 
      2003/03 - 2004/09,菠菜担保网,十大赌博老品牌网站,副研究员; 
      2004/10 - 现在,菠菜担保网,十大赌博老品牌网站,研究员 
      其中2007/06,法国Polytech’Lille, USTL,访问教授; 
      2015/11  十大赌博老品牌网站经理

      • 中国化工学会混合和搅拌专业委员会副主任;上海市化学化工学会理事&化学工程专业委员会副主任
      • Journal of Cellular Plastics、石油化工、化学反应工程与工艺、现代化工、化工与医药工程等国内外期刊编委

       1. 工业反应过程开发
       2. 超临界流体协助的聚合反应及聚合物加工
  包括超临界CO2与聚合物的相互作用; 超临界流体协助的聚合物接枝改性;超临界流体协助的缩聚反应;超临界流体发泡热塑性和热固性聚合物技术

     • Weizhen Sun, Xiangsu Zhai, Ling Zhao*. Synthesis of ZIF-8 and ZIF-67 nanocrystals with well-controllable size distribution through reverse microemulsions. Chem. Eng. J., 2016, 289, 59-64.
       • Jianping Shang, Weizhen Sun*, Ling Zhao, Wei-Kang Yuan. Modeling of CO2-assisted liquid phase oxidation of para-xylene catalyzed by transition metals/bromide. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2015, 127: 52-59.
       • Jianping Shang, Weizhen Sun*, Ling Zhao, Wei-Kang Yuan. Liquid phase oxidation of alkyl aromatics at low oxygen partial pressures. Chem. Eng. J., 2015, 278, 553-540.
       • Tian Xia, Ye Feng, Yunlong Zhang, Zhenhao Xi, Tao Liu, and Ling Zhao*. Novel strategy for polycondensation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) assisted by supercritical carbon dioxide. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 18194−18201
       • Weizhen Sun, Yi Shi, Jie Chen, Zhenhao Xi, and Ling Zhao*. Alkylation kinetics of isobutane by C4 olefins using sulfuric acid as catalyst. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2013, 52:15262-25269
       • Chen Jie, Liu Tao, Zhao Ling*, Yuan Wei-kang. Experimental measurements and modeling of solubility and diffusivity of CO2 in polypropylene/Micro- and Nanocalcium carbonate composites. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52(14):5100-5110.
       • D.Ch. Li, T. Liu*, Ling Zhao*, W.K. Yuan. Controlling sandwich-structure of PET microcellular foams using coupling of CO2 diffusion and induced crystallization. AIChE J., 2012, 58: 2512-2523
       • Yang Xu, Tao Liu, Lei Li, Da-chao Li, Wei-kang Yuan, Ling Zhao. Controlling crystal phase transition from Form II to I in isotactic poly-1-butene using CO2, Polymer, 2012, 53:6102-6111
       • L. Li, T. Liu, L. Zhao*. Direct Fabrication of porous isotactic poly-1-butene with form I From the Melt Using CO2. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2011, 32(22):1834-1838
       • L. Li, T. Liu*, L. Zhao*, W. K. Yuan. CO2-Induced Phase Transition of isotactic Poly-1-butene with Form III upon heating. Macromolecules, 2011, 44(12): 4836-4844

      对二甲苯氧化过程多尺度建模与仿真, 863项目; 