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1981.09--1984.07 安徽省贵池中学,读高中。

1984.09--1988.07 华东十大赌博老品牌网站高分子材料系(现菠菜担保网材料科学与工程学院)高分子化工专业学习。

1988.09--1991.07 华东十大赌博老品牌网站化学工程系化学工程专业学习。

1991.07--1998.07 菠菜担保网化学工程系教师(其间:1993.09--1997.07 菠菜担保网化学工程系化学工程专业学习,获工学博士学位)。

1998.07--2001.11 十大赌博老品牌网站副教授(其间:2001.06--2001.11  菠菜担保网研究生院培养办公室主任)。

2001.11--至今       十大赌博老品牌网站教授(其间:2001.11--2006.12 菠菜担保网研究生院培养办公室主任;2006.03--至今菠菜担保网化学工程博士生导师;2006.06 法国里尔大学化学工程系访问教授;2006.08--2007.02 美国北卡州立大学化学工程系国家留学基金委派遣高级访问学者;2010.06--2011.03 石河子大学化学十大赌博老品牌网站副经理,援疆挂职;2011.3--2012.06石河子大学化学十大赌博老品牌网站经理,援疆挂职)。


1988.07获上海市高等院校优秀毕业生奖;1988.07获华东十大赌博老品牌网站优秀毕业生奖;2001.09获上海市育才奖;2004.06获菠菜担保网公司产品成果一等奖;2005.11获上海市教学成果二等奖;2010.12获菠菜担保网研究生优秀任课教师一等奖;2011.09获菠菜担保网优秀技术转移项目奖;2012.06 获石河子大学优秀援疆挂职干部奖;2013.06获菠菜担保网研究生优秀学位论文指导奖;2016.10获菠菜担保网双创实践活动优秀指导教师奖;2016.06获石河子大学优秀硕士学位论文指导奖;2017.7获菠菜担保网研究生优秀任课教师二等奖。2023.6 十大赌博老品牌网站育英导师。


1. 光电信息高分子材料制备、结构和性能。

2. 轻量化高强热塑性材料。

3. 聚合物脱挥及高效脱挥器。

4. 工业催化新材料及催化剂工程。

5. C1-C4低碳化学工程及资源化利用。

6. 工业化学反应器工程。



(1) 聚苯乙烯加氢制备高性能聚环己烯乙烯催化剂多级结构尺度调控制备及构效关系。国家自然科学基金。

(2) scCO2-助溶剂/渗透质多元组分协同塑化聚合物及玻璃化温度退化的实验和分子热力学模拟研究。国家自然科学基金。

(3) 超临界CO2在结晶聚合物中的扩散及其机理研究。国家自然科学基金。

(4) 卤代烃催化裂解制备卤代烯烃。上海市项目。

(5) 基于海水淡化与综合利用的正渗透过程基础研究。上海市项目。

(6) 环氧树脂工业化学反应器及高效脱挥器。

(7) 乙烯基树脂合成工业化学反应器。

(8) 氟烯烃工业聚合反应器。

(9) 聚偏氟乙烯凝聚器。

(10) TS-1制备及烯烃环氧化催化剂、化学反应器。

(11) 聚苯醚合成技术与反应器。

(12) 轻量化高强热塑性材料。



(1) 化工实验设计与数据处理。

(2) 化学产品设计与工程。

(3) 论文写作。

(4) 实验设计与最优化。




Jun-Yang Yan. Gui-Ping Cao. Advances in the Catalytic Hydrogenation and Properties of Unsaturated Polymers. Macromolecules. 56(2023)3774. (特邀Perspective论文)

Shao-Rui Zhang, Yue Fu, Hui Lv, Gui-Ping Cao. Hydrotalcite-calcined derivatives doped by Zinc: a nucleophile-modified multifunctional catalyst for synthesis of propylene carbonate by cycloaddition. Catalysis Communications, 175(2023)106603.

Chuan-Lei Zhang, Tao Zhou, Yong-Qing Li, Xin Lu, Ye-Bin Guan, Yu-Cai Cao, Gui-Ping Cao. Microenvironment Modulation of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for Coordination Olefin Oligomerization and (co)Polymerization. Small, 19(2023)2205898.

Zheng Zhang, Gui-Ping Cao, Qian Cai, Hui Lu, Shuang Ji, Rui Fang, Peng Gao, Miao Feng. Steam-Assisted in Situ Prepared TS-1 with Hierarchical Pores and Tunable Acid Sites Grown on Carbon Nanotubes Decorated Nickel Foam. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 59(2020)2761.

Zheng Zhang, Rui Fang, Xiao-Xin Kong, Miao Feng, Gui-Ping Cao, Hui Lu, Shuang Ji, Peng Gao, Jia-Hao Zhang. Ultrastrong Interaction and High Dispersibility of TS-1 on Polymer-modified Carbon Nanotubes/Nickel Foam. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 58(2019)19033.

Miao Feng, Hui Lu, Chen-Yang LiGui-Ping Cao. Carbon Nanotubes modified Ceramic Foams as Structured Palladium Supports for Polystyrene Hydrogenation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 58(2019)14646.

Zhao-Hui Luo, Miao Feng, Hui Lu, Xiao-Xin Kong, Gui-Ping Cao. Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Hydrogenation over A Monolithic Pd/CNTs@Nickel Foam Catalysts: Tunable CNTs Morphology Effect on Catalytic Performance. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 58(2019)1812.

Zheng Zhang, Xiao-Xin Kong, Miao Feng, Zhao-Hui Luo, Hui Lu, Gui-Ping Cao. In Situ Synthesis of TS-1 on Carbon Nanotube Decorated Nickel Foam with Ultrafine Nanoparticles and High Content of Skeleton Titanium. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 58(2019)69.

Miao Feng, Zhao-Hui Luo,Rong-Qi Chen,Shan Yi, Hui Lu, Gui-Ping Cao, Chong Lu,Shao-Yue Feng,Chen-Yang Li. Palladium Supported on Carbon Nanotube Modified Nickel Foam as a Structured Catalyst for Polystyrene Hydrogenation. Applied Catalysis A, General, 570(2019)329.

Miao Feng, Zhao-Hui Luo, Shan Yi, Hui Lu, Chong Lu, Chen-Yang Li, Jia-Li Zhao, Gui-Ping Cao. Palladium Supported on Carbon Nanotubes Decorated Nickel Foam as the Catalytic Stirrer in Heterogeneous Hydrogenation of Polystyrene. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 57(2018)16227.

Hui Lu, Jia Zhong, Gui-Ping Cao, Hai-Feng Liu. Gravitational discharge of fine dry powders with asperities from a conical hopper. AIChE Journal, 64(2018)427.

Hao-Ran Zuo, Jia-Bei Fu, Gui-Ping Cao, Nian Hu, Hui Lu, Hui-Qing Liu, Peng-Peng Chen, Jie Yu. The effects of surface-charged submicron polystyrene particles on the structure and performance of PSF forward osmosis membrane. Applied Surface Science, 436(2018)1181.

Hao-Ran Zuo, Hui Lu, Gui-Ping Cao, Meng Wang, Yi-Ying Wang, Jing-Man Liu. Ion Exchange Resin Blended Membrane: Enhanced Water Transfer and Retained Salt Rejection for Forward Osmosis. Desalination, 421(2017)12.

Ying-Hui Qian, Gui-Ping Cao, Xue-Kun Li, Nan Wang. Synthesis of Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride with Uniform Distribution of Cl Assisted by SCCO2 and Co-solvent. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56(2017)6562.

Xue-Kun Li, Hui Lu, Wen-Ze Guo, Gui-Ping Cao, Hong-Lai Liu, Yun-Hai Shi. Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Waste PET Using Solid Acid Catalyst in Supercritical CO2. AIChE J. 61(2015)200.

Xue-Kun Li, Gui-Ping Cao, Ying-Hui Qian, Li-Hua Chen, Ren-Han Zhang, Hong-Lai Liu, Yun-Hai Shi. Experimental Study of the Synergistic Plasticizing Effect of Carbon Dioxide and Ibuprofen on the Glass Transition Temperature of Poly(methyl methacrylate). Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res. 53(2014)5873.